Block Shares

Block Shares
1593351 1594141 1594602 1597548 1598702 1599643 1600370 1611802 1614809 1616841 1620158 1623758 1624107 1625182 1626017 1627474 1628116 1628562 1628988 1629220
Expected 7398728 10325216 7629791 10253648 8764940 6767546 7404333 7989702 8852714 11176873 10499215 10379570 8331096 7137335 11842749 7179654 7633108 6201187 7268772 9392199
Actual 14253432 9285808 6046224 24906352 4267088 3848960 2850176 43941912 11227032 7321288 10277176 12197176 1215840 3912568 2648520 4707240 2211920 1730472 1417512 786208
Average 6929990 7777676 7756186 9881253 9863727 9298682 8879838 12433760 12460890 12794827 12397202 12688338 12205300 10105922 9944065 10029893 9966067 5744923 4763971 4110463

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,287,892 74060 73862 198 8,014,966.8114 37000092414 39894143716 107.82% 254470.20651566 3.24%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 193,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1629220 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 17:10:28 (UTC) 150,275,185.32 1.201342 9,392,199 786,208 8.37
1628988 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 06:55:16 (UTC) 116,300,347.18 1.200959 7,268,772 1,417,512 19.50
1628562 Confirmed anonymous 26/02 12:30:46 (UTC) 99,218,990.04 1.200767 6,201,187 1,730,472 27.91
1628116 Confirmed anonymous 25/02 16:45:53 (UTC) 122,129,731.23 1.217063 7,633,108 2,211,920 28.98
1627474 Confirmed anonymous 24/02 13:02:58 (UTC) 114,874,458.21 1.219426 7,179,654 4,707,240 65.56
1626017 Confirmed anonymous 21/02 20:56:21 (UTC) 189,483,978.85 1.216900 11,842,749 2,648,520 22.36
1625182 Confirmed anonymous 20/02 08:32:43 (UTC) 114,197,359.17 1.216119 7,137,335 3,912,568 54.82
1624107 Confirmed anonymous 18/02 09:24:01 (UTC) 133,297,538.19 1.216335 8,331,096 1,215,840 14.59
1623758 Confirmed anonymous 17/02 17:58:37 (UTC) 166,073,116.21 1.217536 10,379,570 12,197,176 117.51
1620158 Confirmed anonymous 11/02 04:12:08 (UTC) 167,987,439.17 1.216704 10,499,215 10,277,176 97.89
1616841 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 02:48:51 (UTC) 178,829,969.14 1.216119 11,176,873 7,321,288 65.50
1614809 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 10:16:54 (UTC) 141,643,416.82 1.218202 8,852,714 11,227,032 126.82
1611802 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 22:29:01 (UTC) 127,835,231.95 1.216793 7,989,702 43,941,912 549.98
1600370 Confirmed Mikin67 06/01 01:10:06 (UTC) 118,469,327.03 1.216366 7,404,333 2,850,176 38.49
1599643 Confirmed anonymous 04/01 17:13:17 (UTC) 108,280,735.12 1.216432 6,767,546 3,848,960 56.87
1598702 Confirmed anonymous 02/01 23:47:41 (UTC) 140,239,034.93 1.216128 8,764,940 4,267,088 48.68
1597548 Confirmed anonymous 31/12 21:17:58 (UTC) 164,058,371.08 1.216257 10,253,648 24,906,352 242.90
1594602 Confirmed anonymous 26/12 12:26:44 (UTC) 122,076,656.40 1.216891 7,629,791 6,046,224 79.24
1594141 Confirmed anonymous 25/12 16:03:43 (UTC) 165,203,460.15 1.216126 10,325,216 9,285,808 89.93
1593351 Confirmed anonymous 24/12 05:45:45 (UTC) 118,379,641.52 1.216118 7,398,728 14,253,432 192.65
Totals 172,428,376 169,052,904 98.04
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 40 confirms.