Block Shares

Block Shares
610942 610999 611071 611110 611206 611243 611252 611305 611354 611372 611380 611493 611522 611570 611611 611635 611654 611704 611733 611747
Expected 4893 7152 5203 6307 4883 5710 4743 4370 5775 4034 4019 4694 5792 6243 3782 5075 5503 5156 6897 6218
Actual 1216 8879 13500 8425 18085 6196 1760 9404 7878 4364 1100 19224 4813 7423 7901 3942 3038 8358 4775 2735
Average 7011 7715 9008 9083 10819 11425 10382 9536 8370 7971 7959 8994 8125 8025 7006 6781 6909 6804 6494 6331

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,144,385 74060 73862 198 8,014,966.8114 37000092414 39894143716 107.82% 254470.20651566 3.45%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 193,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
611747 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 23:35:45 (UTC) 99,490.42 1.941130 6,218 2,735 43.99
611733 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:53:54 (UTC) 110,349.21 1.940051 6,897 4,775 69.23
611704 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 21:41:57 (UTC) 82,491.15 1.956565 5,156 8,358 162.10
611654 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 19:33:25 (UTC) 88,051.78 1.940051 5,503 3,038 55.21
611635 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 18:46:27 (UTC) 81,198.28 1.967844 5,075 3,942 77.67
611611 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 17:46:38 (UTC) 60,504.36 1.940051 3,782 7,901 208.91
611570 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 15:44:21 (UTC) 99,890.73 1.945983 6,243 7,423 118.90
611522 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 13:49:10 (UTC) 92,670.39 1.940051 5,792 4,813 83.10
611493 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 12:36:13 (UTC) 75,100.14 1.940051 4,694 19,224 409.54
611380 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 07:46:43 (UTC) 64,305.53 1.940051 4,019 1,100 27.37
611372 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 07:29:43 (UTC) 64,538.40 1.940062 4,034 4,364 108.18
611354 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 06:23:30 (UTC) 92,395.27 1.969229 5,775 7,878 136.42
611305 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 04:16:59 (UTC) 69,926.76 1.940051 4,370 9,404 215.19
611252 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 01:58:40 (UTC) 75,884.34 1.940051 4,743 1,760 37.11
611243 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 01:32:25 (UTC) 91,365.34 1.946023 5,710 6,196 108.51
611206 Confirmed unknown 27/01 23:56:39 (UTC) 78,121.79 1.940051 4,883 18,085 370.37
611110 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 19:46:26 (UTC) 100,916.42 2.073268 6,307 8,425 133.58
611071 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 18:11:18 (UTC) 83,252.28 1.940051 5,203 13,500 259.47
610999 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 14:42:52 (UTC) 114,426.97 1.940051 7,152 8,879 124.15
610942 Confirmed ddd12md 27/01 12:26:34 (UTC) 78,288.40 1.940051 4,893 1,216 24.85
Totals 106,449 143,016 134.35
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 40 confirms.