Block Shares

Block Shares
1002132 1002213 1002235 1002395 1002637 1002652 1002665 1002795 1002799 1003045 1003088 1003120 1003169 1003474 1003496 1003501 1003518 1003677 1003753 1003797
Expected 3550453 4129057 3356338 5431368 7342485 4621032 5773708 5519509 5311114 4091846 3984650 5345406 4207999 4494573 4589809 5191543 4440383 3976053 5003939 3637867
Actual 2673728 6273200 1982000 12967448 19336688 1638768 803896 10382632 397344 20020160 3336744 2241144 3992848 24007008 1587768 255400 1661928 12544400 5111008 3569280
Average 3754270 4369610 4299925 5178326 7068148 6935312 6797131 7579466 7518174 7647586 7713888 7310682 7511767 8615723 6840831 6702494 6788298 7004474 7475841 5830753

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,152,218 74060 73862 198 8,014,966.8114 37000092414 39894143716 107.82% 254470.20651566 3.44%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 193,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1003797 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 19:35:44 (UTC) 58,205,873.33 1.672997 3,637,867 3,569,280 98.11
1003753 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 17:33:03 (UTC) 80,063,022.20 1.672879 5,003,939 5,111,008 102.14
1003677 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 14:25:32 (UTC) 63,616,842.01 1.672851 3,976,053 12,544,400 315.50
1003518 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 07:20:32 (UTC) 71,046,125.41 1.673016 4,440,383 1,661,928 37.43
1003501 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 06:25:08 (UTC) 83,064,689.71 1.673399 5,191,543 255,400 4.92
1003496 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 06:16:11 (UTC) 73,436,949.38 1.672805 4,589,809 1,587,768 34.59
1003474 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 05:22:38 (UTC) 71,913,174.45 1.672800 4,494,573 24,007,008 534.13
1003169 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 15:58:25 (UTC) 67,327,980.44 1.673904 4,207,999 3,992,848 94.89
1003120 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 13:46:34 (UTC) 85,526,492.96 1.673202 5,345,406 2,241,144 41.93
1003088 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:32:23 (UTC) 63,754,395.15 1.672803 3,984,650 3,336,744 83.74
1003045 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:42:25 (UTC) 65,469,534.48 1.673072 4,091,846 20,020,160 489.27
1002799 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 23:42:25 (UTC) 84,977,822.48 1.673238 5,311,114 397,344 7.48
1002795 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 23:29:41 (UTC) 88,312,146.69 1.673042 5,519,509 10,382,632 188.11
1002665 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 17:51:58 (UTC) 92,379,332.88 1.674235 5,773,708 803,896 13.92
1002652 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 17:25:32 (UTC) 73,936,511.93 1.673981 4,621,032 1,638,768 35.46
1002637 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 16:33:02 (UTC) 117,479,753.71 1.702247 7,342,485 19,336,688 263.35
1002395 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 06:11:42 (UTC) 86,901,883.50 1.672879 5,431,368 12,967,448 238.75
1002235 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 23:17:16 (UTC) 53,701,410.76 1.673232 3,356,338 1,982,000 59.05
1002213 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 22:15:09 (UTC) 66,064,912.25 1.672914 4,129,057 6,273,200 151.93
1002132 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 18:54:15 (UTC) 56,807,242.08 1.673368 3,550,453 2,673,728 75.31
Totals 93,999,132 134,783,392 143.39
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 40 confirms.