Block Shares

Block Shares
1629220 1629983 1631253 1631545 1633338 1634032 1638774 1642413 1648346 1657485 1657785 1683338 1710765 1716005 1717442 1717764 1718562 1734388 1736621 1775489
Expected 9392199 10279688 9663048 7437195 9211002 12078653 10276025 9233308 11371663 5947950 10297047 11182614 6067107 4411250 9138749 5538860 5519397 4399510 5415992 6107501
Actual 786208 2485752 5264768 1296504 11384112 4138904 32854624 14028280 19671808 29674440 806624 20211096 5529208 2172312 2094888 487808 1188424 11983744 2684040 708312
Average 4110463 3331321 2638080 2646146 3393301 3542339 6357078 7538714 9332847 12158540 12160582 13933116 13959560 14047141 13118218 12753109 9586489 9382035 7683258 4786646

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,287,887 74060 73862 198 8,014,966.8114 37000092414 39894143716 107.82% 254470.20651566 3.24%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 193,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1775489 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 16:23:43 (UTC) 97,720,015.92 1.089677 6,107,501 708,312 11.60
1736621 Confirmed kpshop 11/09 17:32:51 (UTC) 86,655,877.45 1.089919 5,415,992 2,684,040 49.56
1734388 Confirmed kpshop 07/09 15:57:13 (UTC) 70,392,166.91 1.089547 4,399,510 11,983,744 272.39
1718562 Confirmed kpshop 09/08 18:15:15 (UTC) 88,310,345.70 1.102048 5,519,397 1,188,424 21.53
1717764 Confirmed kpshop 08/08 07:26:30 (UTC) 88,621,758.75 1.102091 5,538,860 487,808 8.81
1717442 Confirmed kpshop 07/08 17:02:27 (UTC) 146,219,979.18 1.102323 9,138,749 2,094,888 22.92
1716005 Confirmed kpshop 05/08 02:21:11 (UTC) 70,579,992.70 1.101910 4,411,250 2,172,312 49.24
1710765 Confirmed Mikin67 26/07 12:49:53 (UTC) 97,073,718.09 1.102190 6,067,107 5,529,208 91.13
1683338 Confirmed anonymous 06/06 11:06:12 (UTC) 178,921,819.70 1.103512 11,182,614 20,211,096 180.74
1657785 Confirmed anonymous 20/04 19:59:17 (UTC) 164,752,749.58 1.201672 10,297,047 806,624 7.83
1657485 Confirmed anonymous 20/04 07:01:33 (UTC) 95,167,194.48 1.200289 5,947,950 29,674,440 498.90
1648346 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 14:27:55 (UTC) 181,946,612.50 1.200046 11,371,663 19,671,808 172.99
1642413 Confirmed anonymous 23/03 18:52:22 (UTC) 147,732,932.83 1.200149 9,233,308 14,028,280 151.93
1638774 Confirmed anonymous 17/03 03:32:39 (UTC) 164,416,399.28 1.200049 10,276,025 32,854,624 319.72
1634032 Confirmed anonymous 08/03 11:44:26 (UTC) 193,258,444.52 1.201158 12,078,653 4,138,904 34.27
1633338 Confirmed anonymous 07/03 05:27:13 (UTC) 147,376,031.15 1.200342 9,211,002 11,384,112 123.59
1631545 Confirmed anonymous 03/03 22:50:11 (UTC) 118,995,112.34 1.200057 7,437,195 1,296,504 17.43
1631253 Confirmed anonymous 03/03 09:56:26 (UTC) 154,608,772.55 1.200319 9,663,048 5,264,768 54.48
1629983 Confirmed anonymous 01/03 02:18:06 (UTC) 164,475,005.23 1.200531 10,279,688 2,485,752 24.18
1629220 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 17:10:28 (UTC) 150,275,185.32 1.201342 9,392,199 786,208 8.37
Totals 162,968,758 169,451,856 103.98
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 40 confirms.